Megan Arnold


Megan is a junior graphic designer with an interest in branding, web design, motion graphics, and UX/UI. She believes that storytelling is the key to good design. Megan enjoys learning new skills, solving design challenges, and collaborating with others. Megan has a Bachelors Degree in History and North American Studies from Wilfrid Laurier University.

Fresh Encounters is a Vegan Grocery Store that specializes in plant-based prepared meals. This image shows a mobile phone, desktop website, tablet screens from Fresh Encounters Grab & Go company. Fresh Encounters is a Vegan Grocery Store that specializes in plant-based prepared meals. This image shows desktop website screens from Fresh Encounters Grab & Go company. Interactive History is a digital museum exhibit that explores Canadian History. This image shows a wall mockup of how the Interactive History exhibit would appear in person. The image on the wall prompts users to start the exhibit on a kiosk or their mobile phone. Interactive History is a digital museum exhibit that explores Canadian History. This image shows a kiosk mockup of how the Interactive History exhibit would appear in person. There are three different exhibit screens displayed. Interactive History is a digital museum exhibit that explores Canadian History. This image shows a mobile phone mockup of how the Interactive History exhibit would appear on screen. There are 10 different exhibit screens displayed. Loop In Digital Magazine is a source for news, culture, and entertainment based in Kitchener-Waterloo Ontario. This image shows a mobile phone, desktop, tablet screen depicting the home page of Loop In’s website. Loop In Digital Magazine is a source for news, culture, and entertainment based in Kitchener-Waterloo Ontario. This image shows tablet screens depicting Loop In’s Homepage, Feature Story page, and What’s New Page.